Year 4 Topaz Class

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Mrs Woodgate Miss Hatzfeld Mrs Moth Mrs Cotton 
Class Teacher High Level Teaching Assistant Teaching Assistant
  Teaching Assistant (AM) (PM) (PM)

Topaz Class have started the year as Clever Writers learning about free verse and acrostic poems from Robert Macfarlane's The Lost Words. We looked in detail at the poem 'Weasel' and, using our computing skills, shared vocabulary from the poem that we were unsure of. After developing our own vocabulary and use of figurative language, we wrote our own acrostic poem about a chosen woodland animal. 

On Wednesday 22nd November, Topaz class attended a Viking day at Chertsey Museum. It was a fantastic, hands-on day of learning and discovery that allowed the children to develop their sticky knowledge about the Viking civilisation. We were able to look at many artefacts, including a real Viking sword that was found locally in Thorpe gravel pits.  Later that morning, we were able to design and build our own Viking longship and sword. The day culminated in whistle-stop tour of the Abbeyfield’s monastery site, where we able to imagine what lives were like for the 90 monks that resided there before the Viking invasion.

During the spring term, Topaz class have had the amazing opportunity to take part in the Delight in Watts art project. The project aims to provide primary aged children with access to immersive and cross-curricular arts experiences, with the aim of broadening their horizons and increasing self-esteem. This year, the children were required to sketch, create and paint their own canvas painting of a rainforest animal, linked to our spring term Geography topic on Rainforests.  The children worked alongside several professional artists to produce their own bright and vibrant canvas paintings. The project culminated in a ‘Topaz Exhibition’ at the Watts Gallery where parents, family and friends were invited to celebrate their children’s creative achievements and engage in their education over a cup of hot chocolate. It was a wonderful experience that empowered the children to be proud of their learning, whilst sharing in the joy and pride of the adults around them.

Within our science learning this term, Year 4 have been learning about electricity. We have been exploring the common everyday appliances that use electricity, and looking at some of the dangers of electricity and how it can be extremely harmful. We worked with a small group to explore the enquiry question: What materials are conductors or insulators of electricity and is there a pattern?

This year's Marchants Hill trip was a sunshine filled adventure that left us with memories that will last a lifetime. From the minute we arrived and met our group leader Etta, the fun and laughter started. Our first activities of the Giant Swing and Orienteering required us to work as a team to step out of comfort zones.
After an amazing first dinner, we learnt how to use a bow and arrow in archery tag. We played several mini games which required us to fire at the other team. We had great fun trying to aim at our teachers! Afterwards, we went to our rooms, where we had the chance to chat about our favourite moments of the day with our friends before we went to sleep.

The second day of the trip was filled with more action-packed activities, including: the zip wire, sensory train, rock climbing and problem solving. It was a brilliant way to spend time with our friends whilst challenging ourselves to step outside our comfort zones.

On Friday morning, we finished the trip with archery and abseiling, where everyone got to try something new. Finally, we enjoyed a yummy lunch of fish or sausage and chips before getting ready to head home.
During the trip, all the children displayed amazing behaviour and attitudes when trying new challenges. We were so proud to see them learn new skills and step out of their comfort zones. Thank you for an incredible few days Topaz class.

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