Admission Arrangements

Applying for a school place at Pyrcroft Grange:

Please see the Surrey website below for details of the admissions process and to apply for a Reception place at Pyrcroft Grange.

Surrey WebsitePlease note that children attending the Nursery at Pyrcroft Grange WILL NOT automatically secure a Reception place at the school in the year that they turn aged 5. There is a separate admissions process to join Reception.  Parents of children attending the Nursery needs to follow the Primary School Admissions Process, which is run by Surrey County Council (please see the Admissions section of the school website). Reception places will be offered based on the admissions criteria.  No preferential treatment can be given to those attending the Nursery at Pyrcroft Grange.

In-Year Admissions to Pyrcroft Grange:

Surrey County Council is the admission authority for Pyrcroft Grange Primary School.  For admissions during an academic year, a Centrally Managed Admissions form must be completed and sent back to Admissions Team, Quadrant Court, 35 Guildford Road, Woking, Surrey GU22 7QQ.  The form can be accessed via or downloaded from the school website or a paper copy can be obtained from the school office.

On receipt of a Centrally Managed Admissions form, Surrey’s admissions team will either

  1. offer a place, giving the parent two weeks to accept or decline the offer, or
  2. decline the application where a school place cannot be offered.

If a place is offered and accepted, the admissions team will notify Pyrcroft Grange Primary School who will then liaise with the parent on a start date.

If a school place cannot be offered, parents have a right to appeal.  Please see our website for further details.

Applications to join the Specialist COIN Centre at Pyrcroft Grange:

Applications to join the COIN at Pyrcroft Grange are open to children with an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP). Applications should be made online or you can request a form from your case officer.  Applications for children seeking a place at a specialist school or specialist centre provision will then be considered at the appropriate admissions forum and your case officer will notify you of the outcome.  Please click the link below for details of the Surrey County Council arrangements for applying for a place for a child with an EHCP and to apply online.

Surrey County Council

Admission Arrangements 2023-2024

Admission Arrangements 2024-2025

Admission Arrangements 2025-2026



Page Downloads Date  
In year application CMA V2 23rd Oct 2021 Download
CMA Guidance Notes V1 23rd Oct 2021 Download


- Jul 8
Our gorgeous #WellbeingWoofer was delighted to attend the awards ceremony with @pyrcroftgrange as a VIP guest today! Sporting his spectacular bow tie, Paddy proudly received an award for being the school's Wellbeing Champion 🏅🐾 #wellbeingchampion #mentalhealth #therapydog
- Jul 4
Our dedicated gardening club entered the Runnymede in Bloom competition and they won two categories,  best school and best garden with an Olympic theme. They are looking forward to accepting their prize  at an awards ceremony on Thursday 11th July.@RunnymedeBC @BourneTrust
- Jun 15
A fantastic conference #readingforpleasure today. Truly inspiring @EarlyTrain @HGold_author@OpenUni_RfP
- Jun 15
Thank you Matt Goodfellow @EarlyTrain for a brilliant - and mint, reyt good, boss, and lit - author keynote! 💙 "Show your class how poetry can replicate their own voice and their own accent, so that they can be proud of their own voice and of who they are." 📚✨ #OURfPConf
- Jun 6
New arrivals in Y2 this morning, we can’t wait to see the children’s faces when they arrive this morning #newlife #nature @BourneTrust @DilgerTV Such an enriching opportunity for our children.
- May 17
#Guitar club in their first performance including AC/DC music this morning to parents and school. Well done everyone.
- May 9
Diamond Class learning about plants and flowers. We used our observational drawing skills to record the plants and flowers in school. Today we have used of moulding and sculpting skills to create flower diagrams and label the different parts we have been learning about
- May 9
Y4 having the most amazing adventures in the sun @PGLTravel #marchantshill - wish we were there!
- Apr 30
Y2 #geography learning outside to chalk maps of the world labelling continents and oceans. Some children even laid down to represent themselves as a continent #activelearning @BourneTrust
- Apr 27
Chertsey Champions @TheCurfews
- Apr 26
A peaceful afternoon with year 5 exploring mixed media in landscapes. @accessart Great job Daisy keeping it fluid !! #fridayafternoonart
- Apr 26
The children in #Reception have been exploring, observing and learning about #minibeasts. We explored the places they like to live and designed our own minibeast homes. The children used their designs to create a Diamond Class minibeast city.
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