Reception Diamond Class

Img 0029 Img 0025 KW
Mrs Roberts Mrs Chennell Miss Wright
Class Teacher Teaching Assistant Teaching Assistant

The children have settled in and have enjoyed exploring the classroom setting. We have spent some time becoming familiar with the classroom, the school setting and even our school uniform.   We have been celebrating ourselves by sharing the book Marvellous Me. The children have enjoyed drawing and talking about their hobbies, likes, dislikes and families. The children completed some fantastic self portraits. 

In Diamond Class we have been exploring light and dark. The children created their own pieces of art inspired by the painting "The Starry Night" by Vincent Van Gogh. 

We have been learning about Hanukkah. The children enjoyed exploring how Hanukkah is celebrated and made cards for their friends and family. 

We have really enjoyed reading and exploring the book “Tuesday” by David Wiesner. We have explored the different things the frogs saw on their exciting adventure and used our phonics to label them in the pictures. We then went on to record what the frogs might say using the App ChatterPix. The children picked up the steps for recording very quickly and remembered to speak clearly into the microphone. We then went on to write speech bubbles to tell us what the frogs might have said whilst they were away from the pond exploring.

Fruit salad Making : As part of our topic “This is the way we grow and change” we have been learning about a healthy diet and lifestyle. The children had a go at planning and making their own healthy fruit salads. We explored the different types of fruit we could use, talking about colour texture and taste. We learnt to prepare the fruit safely, developing our chopping and peeling skills. The children were very sensible.

We have started looking at where we live and our local area in Diamond Class. The children began by sharing photographs of their homes talking about the shapes, materials, colours and textures they could see. We then used a range of media and techniques to create collage paper based on our observations of the houses. Finally, the children used their paper to make a collage of their homes. The children were very proud of their final pieces of art.

This half term we have continued to look at our local area in Diamond Class. We had a wonderful time walking into Chertsey and visiting our local Pizza Express restaurant. The children enjoyed learning the process of pizza making and having the opportunity to make their own. We then went on to write a recount of our trip.

As part of our DT learning the children made their own houses. We learnt how to fold and join card into boxes. We then used our prior knowledge of collage making to decorate the houses.  The children then learnt to make their doors and windows by creating a flap.

This half term we have been observing, exploring, and learning about minibeasts. We learnt about the different minibeasts we might see in the UK and the types of places they like to live. The children enjoyed our minibeast hunt and managed to find a variety of minibeasts around the school. We then spent some time observing them and talking about how they look and move. During our Art learning the children did some fantastic observational drawings taking note of the shapes and colours they could see.

Thinking about our prior learning we designed and made our own minibeast hotel. The children thought about the minibeasts they would like to visit their hotel and selected resources that thought they would like best. We will now be able to observe the different minibeasts that come to visit in Diamond Class garden.

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