
Early Years

In this school every child matters. The curriculum will be the means of providing all children with creative opportunities for enjoyment and achievement.


· To treat people with kindness and respect, valuing the cultures and beliefs of others.

· To know and talk about the world beyond Pyrcroft Grange.

· To be able to express themselves creatively.

· To know how to take care of themselves and those around them.

· To communicate effectively confidently with others.

· To experience a language rich environment.

· To demonstrate independence, resilience, curiosity, and interest in their learning.

· To develop the skills for early reading writing and number.

· To be prepared for the transition and learning into Key Stage 1.


· We will work closely with families and nursery settings to gain an understanding of the children’s learning journey and prior experiences. We will build on this knowledge to extend learning through their time in the early years.

· We will take part in weekly PSHE sessions to focus on health, Personal, Social and Emotional using our scheme 1 Decision.

· We will explore different cultures, traditions, and religions within the setting and beyond, inviting children to share their memories and experiences.

· Provide visits, visitors, and experiences to gain a better understanding of the community and the wider world we live in.

· Children will have access to speech and communication support with an adult and resources within the provision.

· Children will have access to continuous and enhanced provision designed to develop and practise the skills for learning in all areas of the curriculum and beyond.

· Teacher will assess through observations, adult led activities and celebrate the successes at home and school.

· Children will engage in a broad and balanced curriculum that allows children to explore interests and develop new ones. They will have opportunities to express themselves and their ideas in different ways.

· Provide well-planned activities that promote learning in all areas of the EYFS to help children achieve their ELG and beyond.

· Provide progressive experiences and teaching sequences to develop reading, writing and number skills as well as covering all the areas of the curriculum.


· Children have developed a thirst for learning and are prepared to approach their learning with an open inquisitive mind.

· Children will have developed independence in their school environment.

· Children are aware of their own feelings and care for their peers.

· Children are developing a wide range of vocabulary that they can apply in a range of contexts.

· Children will be prepared with the knowledge and skills when moving on to the next part of their learning journey at Pyrcroft Grange.

· Children are meeting key milestones on their development journey.

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